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PSYCH-K® for Athletes

I am Coach Leslie, your Certified PSYCH-K® Health and Wellbeing Facilitator who has taken the Basic, Pro, Advanced PSYCH-K® workshops, as well as the Health and Wellbeing Training Program which is a specialized training program for the application of PSYCH-K processes and principles in the area of health and wellness. My skills are not a substitute for professional medical treatment, but rather are designed as a complement to it.  Research in the field of psychoneuroimmunology (the mind/body connection), strongly indicates a vital link between mind and body, as it relates to physical and emotional well-being.  For the athlete of any sport, I help you identify the blocks to your progress or healing from injury.  All fears and blocks come from out of control thinking. The mind controls the body. If you are not feeling confident or are thinking negative thoughts, the body responds with fear and balking. You may be unaware this is happening. Many athletes say they are not afraid, but may continue to balk on skills. If there is balking, there is some kind of fear. It may be a fear about something that has never happened. Or something that might happen. It might be a response to too much pressure. Or not doing enough progressions leading up to the skill. Whatever it is, the key is to change your thinking! What are you thinking as you're training and performing? With PSYCH-K® you are able to identify and remove the blocks to your progress and success and replace them with the right thoughts and beliefs that take you farther than you thought possible.  
​I celebrate you in your journey of wholeness, transformation and spiritual development!

What is PSYCH-K® ?

PSYCH-K® is a unique and direct way to identify and change subconscious beliefs that perpetuate old habits of thinking and behaving that you would like to change. It is a simple process that helps you communicate with your subconscious mind so you can change beliefs that limit your self-esteem, relationships, job performance, and even your physical health! Popularly characterised as a spiritual process with psychological benefits, the word psych is an abbreviation for psychology. And, is also a variant spelling of the word psyche. The dictionary definition of psyche is mind, soul, or spirit. The overall goal of PSYCH-K® is to help you free your mind from beliefs that limit your recognition of yourself as a divine being having a human experience.
PSYCH-K® is:

  • a non-invasive, interactive process of change with a proven record of success for over 25 years!

  • a simple, yet powerful process to change subconscious beliefs that are self-limiting and self-sabotaging

  • a unique blend of various tools for change, some contemporary and some ancient, derived from contemporary neuroscience research, as well as ancient mind/body wisdom

  • a ground breaking approach to facilitating change at the subconscious level where at least 95% of our consciousness operates

  • a process that transcends the standard methods of visualisation, affirmations, will power, and positive thinking especially effective in the areas of behavioral/habit change, wellness and stress reduction

PSYCH-K® is a key modality that we use as part of our coaching practices. It focuses on whole-brain function to create changes and new beliefs.
As Pro Health and Wellbeing PSYCH-K® Facilitator, I work with you to empower you to achieve your goals and create deep belief changes for greater physical, mental and/or spiritual wellness , performance and growth. 
Call Coach Leslie to help you reach your potential and discover your power!

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